Nimes, 2000 years of history

Our drive today was along familiar scenery. This area of France could easily be central California or even central Washington, where if the land isn't irrigated it takes on the look of high desert scrub. We saw fields of grapes, sunflowers,and corn on our way to Nimes (sounds like beams).

It is a wide open blue sky day, which makes it toasty at about 85 degrees. With the help of GPS we coasted into this large city without any trouble. I was not prepared for the size and proximity of our first two sites.

We were walking along the Rue General Perrier, and right before us was the Maison de Carree. It is the only Roman temple that is completely preserved.

We turned down Boulevard Victor Hugo for lunch and nearly tripped on the Arenes de Nimes. This is a Roman Amphitheater(Arenes) built at about the same time as the Colosseum in Rome.

Sightseeing is hard work so we had to shuffle into the nearest little dive and grab anything they had on the menu. The food here is barely tolerable.

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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Nimes, France

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